Home | Exercises| Applets | Theory

Welcome to the Elestat website

This site contains interactive material for online statistics learning, and it is the result of a collection of projects and collaborative research.
We present three types of material: applets, exercises and theory. The applets illustrate theoretical statistical concepts in an interactive manner. The online exercises are based on individualized data-sets. They can be used for class-room teaching in a computer room, or as self-study. Since the exercise environment is developed at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering (Ghent University, Belgium), the research questions and experimental design of the exercises are related to the biological field. A follow-up project resulted in the development of exercises related to the economic field. The theory is still in an early phase, but is now constantly being developed.

Project Material :

Links voor studenten van de cursus Statistische Data Verwerking (in Dutch) :

Links for students of the course Applied Statistics :

  • Applets Experimental Design

    Staff :

    • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven : Department of Biosystems
      • Promotor
        • Prof. Dr. Darius Paul

  • This content has been developed by the Department of Applied Mathematics, Biometrics and Process Control from the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering at Ghent University.
    Questions, bugs or reactions can be sent to Elestat.

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